The smoker is on fire!

Barbecue at eva,ALM

Every week, we're having a barbecue at eva,ALM - delicious food out of the smoker comes along with a eva,ALM beer - pure summer feeling!

Every week during the summer season in Saalbach, we are having a barbecue between eva,ALM and eva,VILLAGE.


The smoker

The smoker is our most important tool for the barbecue. It looks a little like a railway engine. Located directly between eva,ALM and eva,VILLAGE at the Dorsftrasse in Saalbach, the smoker simmers its contents up to 6 hours, starting from noon in order to prepare the food in the best way possible. It is called smoker as it actually cooks the meat and other food without having contact to the flames but only with the smoke.

The smoker has two chambers - one is for the grill charcoal or amber wood and the other - bigger - chamber is for meat, fish, vegetable or bread. When the charcoal or wood in the smaller chamber is heated, the smoke moves over to the other chamber and cooks the food.


Real culinary joy for a summer evening

We like the smoker and the food from it a lot - and enjoy brisket, ribs or pulled pork with a chilled eva,ALM beer.


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