Mindfull week at eva,

Gunter focuses on mindfulness in yoga, hikes and sessions.

Unison. Quiet. Mindfulness. Energy from nature.

On 5 days a week, Gunter, our eva, sport and vitality coach, makes your vacation at eva something very special. Gunter has been designing the included weekly program for eva Hotels for many years. He knows Saalbach and the surrounding mountains like the back of his hand and will take you to special places on your vacation, give you the best views of the mountain peaks, hike summit crosses with you and provide an optimal balance to your everyday life with yoga.

It will be exciting on Monday, July 19th. - Saturday, July 24th, 2021, because these days Gunter is again focusing his program on "mindfulness". You have the opportunity to take part in the following special program items: meditations on the mountain, discussions on the subject of "mindfulness", more yoga sessions than usual and, in addition, a specially designed workshop lasting several hours.

All of this in addition to your stay. The program is part of the inclusive services at eva, so you can take part anywhere or just individual units. True to the motto “Freedom. Compensation. Mindfulness. "

Please just remember to register at reception the evening before the chosen session. This is important for Gunter so that he knows how many interested people are attending the appointments so that he can plan better.

Mindfullness-week at eva,
Program Slot 1 Slot 2
Monday yoga hike
Tuesday hike yoga
Wednesday yoga hike
Thursday Hike with yoga, meditation and swimming in a mountain lake  
Friday yoga hike
Saturday hike  



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